28 March 2009

I Bid Thee Farewell, Myspace!

Today is an historical day. Today is the day I deleted my Myspace page! There's been a lot of commotion on the Internet and news stations about me deleting my page so I figured I'd let all my readers hear firsthand (actually...READ firsthand, lol) about the whole situation.

Basically it comes down to one simple concept...Myspace just sucks. I remember when Myspace, or "the Space" as us cool kids call it, was all the rage. You could upload photos, and holler at some hotties you were feeling, and design your profile page to include the five hottest women of all time, to name a few ideas. I'm not sure when it happened but at some point it's Suckness Factor began to rise and Facebook slowly started taking over even though Facebook, or "the Book" as us cool kids call it, was considered the nerdy version of Myspace.

Anyways, I was going to make this a long post about why Myspace is el whacko, but it doesn't really deserve all of my time. Plus, I still need to clean my condo since I my housekeeper called out sick today. Until next time.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Don't forget to follow me on this blog by signing in on the left where it says...ummm...Followers.

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FredyG said...

Dude, Myspace does suck and the only reason that I have not deleted my page is because I no longer have access to the e-mail account that I created it with...Any suggestions on how I can get off the Space?! Myspace, to me, is like the back alley of some deserted urban city...you don't want to go there!!! Trash.