28 September 2009

A Freddy Remake? Really?

I'm doing my usual morning routine, reading Google News, and I come across an article about a remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. The first thought on my mind was, "oh great, another whack remake." Then I see that Jackie Earle Haley is playing Mr. Kreuger himself and I think, "Hmmm. This could be interesting." If that name doesn't ring a bell, he played Rorschach in Watchmen. Then I watch the trailer and I'm like, "Oh really? Yeah, this looks pretty damn sick." (I talk to myself a lot if you haven't noticed.) But I'm not done yet. I do my due diligence and find out that Samuel Bayer is directing this flick. You mean you don't know Samuel Bayer? Yeah, me neither because he's only directed music videos! Who does he think he is? Spike Jonze? Then I see who wrote the screenplay and the writers don't have anything of importance on their resume so now I'm having second thoughts. Either this is going to be a sleeper hit or a huge mistake. Given that I LOVE scary movies and Nightmare just happens to be my favorite (because it scared me the most as a kid) this movie better rock or I'm gonna hurt someone...and it might be you! Mwahaha!
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