07 September 2006

New Blackberry Pearl!

Oooooh, I'm like a child on Christmas Eve! Crackberry addicts have a new toy to play. The new Blackberry 8100, better known as the Pearl, is set to be released on September 12, only on T-Mobile, which is what I have (T-Mobile is also the best cellular provider in the US, because I said so).

The Blackberry Pearl was created to compete directly with the Treo, by having additional features such as a camera, MP3 player, and better navigation. The phone is also on T-Mobile's GSM/Edge network which is much faster than the Treo, which runs on Verizon; you know, that cell company that sends you outrageous $500 phone bills for calls and services you never used. It has a various other services too, but I am already sold.

I've had my Blackberry 7100 for over a year now and I think it is time to upgrade, don't you? The best part is that the Pearl is only $199 whereas I paid about $325 for my 7100 after some negotiating. So yes I will be visiting my neighborhood T-Mobile store on September 12 and also FYE to get Justin Timberlake's new album (that's right, I said it).

Blackberry Rocks! Click here to check it out!
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