24 November 2007

Yikes! It's been a while

Hi, my name is Nelson, and I'm a blogaholic. It's been almost a year since my last blog post. Haha, had to do it.

So, it's been quite some time since my last post and I'm really not sure why. A lot has happened since then and I'm never at a loss for words about anything. But the fact still remains that I've neglected to add new content and I know my bajillions (it's a word, Google that sh*t) of fans have been quite disappointed.

So what we're going to do is start fresh, what happened in the past is the past. I know you'll get over it, as hard as it may be. But, we'll work through this.

I'm going on vacation next week so I'll write some shit to entertain you idiots. LOL. I say that with much love.

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