10 October 2009

Estate Fridays | Oct 9

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OK so check this out. Before I head over to Estate (which was pretty sick by the way) I headed to Bond for a few drinks for my friend's birthday. I go in, say hi to everyone, you know whatever. Then I see this girl I know and I sneak up behind her and start rubbing her shoulders and back. I can do that you see, because I'm cool. She turns around, says hi to me, then I whisper in her ear, "I hope you're not here with another guy with me rubbing up on you." And she goes, "Yeah. He's right behind me!" Yeah. That just happened.

So anywho, I end up at Estate and for some reason this was probably the best night in the past month. Don't know what it was. Could have been the Vinyl Disciples ripping up the turntables as they always do. Or maybe it was all the HOT babelicious girls that were there. Or maybe it was simply my presence that made the night legendary. Who knows. Bo. Bo knows.
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