09 October 2006

Review: The Departed

The Departed is the first Scorcese movie I have seen in theaters and it not let me down. It has taken in $27 million over the weekend to top the box office (a little less than I had predicted). The cast was phenomenal and the action was top-notch.

I see quite a few Oscar nods for this movie: Best Actor, DiCaprio; Best Supporting Actor, Jack Nicholson; Best Adapted Screenplay, William Monohan; Best Director, Martin Scorcese; Best Film Editing and Best Picture.

Everything about this movie was great. The character development for the all the main characters were on point, the writing was true to Boston (count how many time they say "prick" and call each other "faggot"), and the action, although not so graphic, was indeed spontaneous. This movie was so good I saw it twice and the interesting thing I realized is that every part that needed a reaction got exactly the reaction that was intended. People laughed on cue, they gasped on cue, and the Oh-shits were on cue. Can't forget about the Brockton mention in the movie too (one of Nicholson's goons lived with his mom in Brockton).

Watch this movie! Watch this movie! You will not be upset especially with the climactic ending! Watch it and let me know what you think.
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