15 February 2010

Shouldn't Hell Be Awesome?

Just hear me out. Straight to the point here, no build-up. The Bible has always said all these bad things about Hell and even Dante's Inferno was very descriptive of the different levels of this place we call Hell. Every depiction of Hell we've ever seen has been torturous...and well, hot. That makes no sense to me whatsoever and here's why. How do you get to Hell? You have to commit a sin, do something bad, yadda, yadda, yadda. And Hell is run by who? Satan. So Satan WANTS you to be in Hell, right? Because come Armageddon time when it's Heaven versus Hell whoever has the biggest army will most likely win...isn't that the story? So if Satan wants you to be bad so you can end up in Hell after you die...then why the heck would he punish you for eternity? He should reward you! "Hey Steve, thanks for robbing that bank when you were a kid. For your troubles here are 15 hookers you can have your way with." There should be a Trump Hades Resort & Casino down there or something. Like all the strip clubs and casinos and drugs you can imagine...not fire and brimstone (whatever brimstone is) and torture and all that gross nonsense you see them depicting Hell as. Issa make-a no sensa!
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